Advanced international economic

This economics test is designed to assess your understanding of key principles, theories, and concepts in the field of economics. The test covers a range of topics, including macroeconomics, microeconomics, international trade, finance, and economic development. Questions are crafted to evaluate your knowledge of economic theories, your ability to apply economic concepts to real-world scenarios, and your comprehension of global economic issues. 

Инструкция к тесту
  1. Macroeconomics: Aggregate demand and supply, inflation, unemployment, fiscal policy, and monetary policy.
  2. Microeconomics: Supply and demand, market structures, consumer behavior, and producer behavior.
  3. International Trade: Exchange rates, balance of payments, trade theories, and global economic relations.
  4. Financial Markets: Investment, savings, financial instruments, and market dynamics.
  5. Economic Development: Growth theories, inequality, poverty, and development strategies.
  6. Economic Crises: Financial crises, recession, and policy responses.
Number of questions in the test: 23