Hospital Surgery - 5th course - Checkpoint 3

Checkpoint 3 consists of 3 topics.

  1. Arterial thrombosis and embolism. Classification of acute limb ischemia. Clinical stages of the course. Diagnostics. Differential diagnostics. Surgical treatment methods.
  2. Chronic ischemia of the lower extremities. Obliterating atherosclerosis and endarteritis. Classification of chronic ischemia and occlusion levels of the aorta and lower limb arteries.
  3. Varicose veins of the lower extremities. Classification. Complication. Diagnostics. Special research methods. Surgical treatment methods. Thrombosis of the main veins. Classification. Clinic. Diagnostics. Differential diagnostics. Methods of conservative and surgical treatment.
Test instructions
You need to answer on 20 randomly selected questions from the database. Attention is only one correct answer.Upon successful completion of the test, you will receive a certificate. Send it to your teacher.
Enter your last name, first name and group number
Number of questions in the test: 23