Mechanical Technology and Electricity


You are welcomed to do the test on the studied material. I hope you have revised the vocabulary (Unit Thirteen on Mechanical Technology and Unit Fourteen on Electricity) and grammar material (The Infinitive, Complex object and Complex subject). If yes, go ahead and good luck! 

Sincerely yours, 

Инструкция к тесту
Before doing each of the task, read th assignment attentively. 

The first task is to find synonyms to the words. 

The second task is to translate a single word into English (you have limited time only 300 seconds).

The third task is to read the sentences and choose the ones where particle to is obligatory (=necessary).

The forth task is to find the right sentence that is paraphrased with the help of Complex Subject. 

The fifth task is to find the right sentence that is paraphrased with the help of Complex Object. 

And the last task is to translate the sentences from Russian into English. 

Remember that you have only 30 minutes to complete the test. You have only one attempt, after you have done the test, the resut is sent to me and I check it out and you get the corresponding mark. If you have 62% of completing the test you get 6 and so on. If you have any question on the test, you can email to me.

Good luck! 
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Number of questions in the test: 18