Faculty Surgery 4th course - Checkpoint 2

Faculty Surgery 4 year - Intermediate certification. This test completes the course of faculty surgery. There is only one correct answer in the test. A rating of "5" is 91-100%, a rating of "4" is 81-90%, a rating of "3" is 70-80%, a rating of "2" is less than 70% of the correct answers.

Test instructions

You need to answer 30 randomly selected questions from the database. Attention only to one correct answer. If you pass the test successfully, you will receive a certificate.

Thematic plan:
1. Peptic gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.
2. Acute intestinal obstruction
3. Peritonitis.
4. External and internal hernia of the abdomen.
5. Diseases of the liver and extrahepatic biliary tract.


Enter your last name, first name and group number
Number of questions in the test: 30